IFFP cares for our interfaith community.
Together, we provide support through to individuals and families through the IFFP Care Team. Our Members and Staff compile resources to help interfaith families.
Our Tikkun Olam Groups seek to heal the world, and our clergy care for families by conducting baby welcomings and weddings. We care for our growing children and teens through the Coming of Age program.
IFFP Care Team
IFFP has always strived to be a community that takes good care of one another: whether it be providing meals for someone who is ill, sharing joys and concerns during Gatherings, or visiting one another after a major life event. Through the years, IFFP clergy and community members alike have found ways to be present for one another during challenging times, life transitions, and happy milestones. We formalized this essential aspect of IFFP through the creation of the IFFP Care Team.
The IFFP Care Team is made up of Clergy and Members who support the needs of our community. Email the Care Team.
Resources for Interfaith Families
IFFP Clergy, Staff, and Members have compiled and curated information helpful for interfaith families. See our list of resources.
Tikkun Olam Groups
Tikkun Olam is a Jewish principle that challenges us to “heal the world.” Learn about our three groups.

Environmental Working Group
Investigating the connections between theology and environmental stewardship and finding practical ways to act on those principles.

Racial Justice Group
Drawing on our common traditions of justice to address structural racism and bigotry by undermining White supremacy as a part of a multi-racial movement for collective liberation.

Immigrant and Refugee Assistance Group
Providing help to Afghan refugees arriving in the D.C.-metro area in partnership with the Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area.
Lifecycle Events

Baby Welcomings
Celebrate the arrival of your child in an interfaith ceremony. Our clergy work with you to tailor the kind of ceremony you want to ritualize the beginning of your child’s life.

Interfaith Weddings
IFFP clergy conduct interfaith weddings that fully celebrate and support interfaith couples.

Coming of Age Program
A two-year program for our young teens to deepen their understandings of both heritages and their relations with each.