A Ceremony of Welcome
Yes, you want to celebrate the arrival of a new child to your family! Our clergy will work with you to tailor the interfaith baby welcoming ceremony you want to ritualize the beginning of your child’s life. Contact Rev. Samantha and/or Rabbi Debbie to discuss your baby welcoming.
Rev. Samantha: RevSamantha@iffp.org
Rabbi Debbie Reichmann: RabbiDeb@iffp.org
Visit Rabbi Debbie’s website for information on Interfaith Baby Welcomings.
For more information about welcome ceremonies and other life-cycle events please fill out our life-cycle event intake form.
Every spring, IFFP hosts a community baby-welcoming ceremony for its members. You can learn more about this special event by reading Susan Katz Miller’s blog post titled “Blessing of the Interfaith Babies.”
Related Links
Rev. Samantha and Rabbi Debbie also perform interfaith wedding ceremonies.