Diving for Pearls: Rabbi Debbie and Rev. Sam’s Playful Introduction to a Year of Wisdom and Discovery at IFFP

This past Sunday, something unusual happened at the Interfaith Families Project (IFFP) Gathering. Rabbi Debbie Reichmann and Reverend Samantha Gonzalez-Block entered, decked out in snorkeling gear and floaties, ready to take us on a unique journey. No, we weren’t heading for the nearest body of water—at least not literally. Our clergy leaders were here to help us “dive for pearls,” marking the start of IFFP’s 30th year, our pearl anniversary!

With humor and grace, Debbie and Sam pulled off their flippers and floaties, reminding us that “diving for pearls” is a metaphor—a call to go deep into our traditions, stories, and rituals to uncover the treasures of wisdom that have always been there, waiting for us to discover. Just like the formation of pearls, this journey won’t always be easy. But, as Debbie and Sam reminded us, from the irritants and challenges of life, something precious and beautiful can emerge.

Pearls Hidden in Our Traditions

Debbie and Sam shared some timeless wisdom about the value of pearls across religious traditions. From the Book of Job to the New Testament, pearls have symbolized something of extraordinary value—something worth seeking out. In the New Testament, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a merchant who sells everything for one precious pearl. In ancient times, pearls were as rare and valuable as diamonds. But beyond their material worth, the process of a pearl’s formation offers us a beautiful lesson: pearls begin as something small and insignificant, like a grain of sand, and over time, they transform into something exquisite.

From Irritants to Wisdom

Debbie reflected on how our life experiences can feel like irritants—challenges that seem too overwhelming, or painful memories that refuse to fade. But, just like the grain of sand that becomes a pearl, these difficult moments can become sources of great wisdom and beauty, if we allow them to. “The value of wisdom,” as she quoted from the Book of Job, “far exceeds precious metals and jewels.”

Sam echoed this sentiment by pointing out how IFFP itself began—born out of a vision shared by four founding mothers in a kitchen, determined to create a space where their children could learn about both Judaism and Christianity. What started as a small seed of an idea has blossomed into the vibrant, supportive community that we all know today—a true pearl.

A Year of Diving Deep

This year, as we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are invited to dive deep. Whether we are searching for wisdom in our traditions, uncovering stories of transformation, or nurturing our interfaith relationships, this year promises to be full of hidden treasures. Sam reminded us that diving for pearls is no easy task—it requires patience, grace, and, most importantly, a sense of community. As we face new challenges and unexpected moments, we will dive side by side, ready to discover the pearls of wisdom that await us.

So, take a deep breath, hold your nose, and let’s dive into this new year together. Who knows what pearls of wisdom we’ll find?



Home » IFFP Blog » Diving for Pearls: Rabbi Debbie and Rev. Sam’s Playful Introduction to a Year of Wisdom and Discovery at IFFP