Navigating Interfaith Parenting: Insights from the Newbies Podcast


Raising a child is an incredible journey, filled with joys, challenges, and countless decisions. For parents coming from different faith backgrounds, this journey can be even more complex and rewarding. The latest episode of the Newbies podcast delves into the intricacies of interfaith parenting, offering insights and advice from parents navigating this unique path. Hosted by Natalie Gross, the episode features a conversation with interfaith parenting expert Susan Katz Miller and a panel of parents sharing their experiences.

Understanding Interfaith Parenting

Natalie Gross sets the stage by highlighting the questions many interfaith couples face: How will they incorporate both faiths into family traditions? What should they discuss with their partner while their children are still young? These questions are crucial for ensuring a harmonious and respectful approach to raising children in an interfaith household.

Meet the Parents

The episode introduces us to several parents who are living the interfaith parenting journey:

  • Greg and Ilisa Seroka: Married for ten years, Greg (devout Catholic) and Ilisa (Reform Judaism) are raising their two daughters with both religions. They even run a small business selling interfaith items.
  • Ben Schwartz: Raised as a Conservative Jew, Ben and his Catholic wife, Katie Kennedy, are raising their 20-month-old son with both faiths.
  • Ben Kastan: With a background in Conservative Judaism, Ben and his Southern Baptist wife, Amanda, are raising their daughter with influences from both traditions.
  • Jordan Gray: Jordan (Reform Judaism) and his Catholic wife, Jess, are raising their five-year-old within the Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington to expose her to both faiths.

Insights from Expert Susan Katz Miller

Susan Katz Miller, a renowned speaker and author on interfaith parenting, shares her wisdom and personal experiences. Raised in an interfaith household herself, she provides a unique perspective on the benefits and challenges of raising children in multiple religious traditions.

Benefits of Raising Children in Two Faiths

Susan highlights several benefits of raising children in two faiths:

  1. Intellectual Literacy: Just like being bilingual, being “bi-religious” can be intellectually stimulating and enriching.
  2. Cultural Celebration: Fully celebrating holidays and life cycle ceremonies from both faiths can strengthen family bonds.
  3. Inclusivity: Allowing all family members to share their traditions can create a more inclusive and respectful family environment.
  4. Equality in Spiritual Life: Ensuring both parents’ faiths have equal weight can foster a sense of equality and mutual respect.

Everyday Interfaith Parenting

Susan emphasizes that interfaith parenting involves daily practices and rituals, not just holiday celebrations. Whether it’s praying, meditating, or observing religious customs, children benefit from seeing their parents practice their faiths and can choose to engage in these practices themselves.

Navigating Challenges

Interfaith parenting isn’t without its challenges. Susan discusses the importance of:

  • Planning: Mapping out holiday celebrations and life cycle events to respect both traditions.
  • Finding Community: Seeking out supportive communities and allies who understand and respect your family’s interfaith dynamics.
  • Flexibility: Being open to change, as both partners’ relationships with their faiths may evolve over time.

Real-Life Experiences

The parents on the panel share their own challenges and triumphs. Greg and Ilisa discuss the difficulties of balancing their children’s religious education while respecting their own faith practices. Ben Schwartz and Ben Kastan highlight the importance of community support, such as the Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington, which offers valuable resources and education for interfaith families.

Resources for Interfaith Families

For those interested in exploring interfaith parenting further, the podcast recommends several resources:


Interfaith parenting is a journey filled with both challenges and joys. By embracing both traditions, families can create a rich, inclusive, and respectful environment for their children. The Newbies podcast offers a valuable platform for parents to share their experiences and support each other in this unique journey. For more insights and resources, be sure to check out the full episode and visit the recommended links.

Listen to the Full Episode

To hear more about interfaith parenting and the experiences of these amazing families, listen to the full episode of Newbies.

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