The Environmental Working Group (EWG), one of three IFFP Tikkun Olam groups, has been regularly meeting since 2016 to investigate the connections between theology and environmental stewardship and finding practical ways for IFFP to act on those connections. Past and on-going outreach efforts include:
- Environmental speakers, including from GreenFaith, Interfaith Power & Light, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, and Sierra Club Montgomery County
- Book discussions
- Bulletin tips
- IFFP Goes Green checklists
- Stream and invasive cleanups
- An environmental fair
- Curriculum review
Members of the Environmental Working Group continues to engage IFFP members and families in online efforts that help us care for the earth and all creation. Join us in this mission to match faith with action.
- Draw from and apply our interfaith traditions, and to serve as an example for the greater community, we will:
- Strengthen our spiritual inter-connectedness with all life and all things that we call nature,
- Become more aware of the impacts that we as humans have on the natural world, and
- Act and live in ways that preserve and heal our precious ecosystems – those systems which sustain us and all life forms on this one Earth.
Check out this list of recommended environmental justice organizations.
To join the Environmental Working Group listserve and/or help plan future activities, please contact Randi Field.