Dear IFFP community,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am writing to offer a warm welcome to the 2022 – 2023 year.
September always feels like a new beginning, the start of the academic school year and requisite crisp notebooks and freshly-sharpened pencils. It seems fitting that it is also the beginning of the Jewish New Year. I hope whatever transitions you are experiencing this season are smooth, and offer an opportunity for reflection and growth.
Our Theme for the Year
As we embark on the new year at IFFP, my first year serving on the Board, I am particularly looking forward to our theme, “What is Love?”, developed by our thoughtful and inspiring clergy. This question is meaningful on many levels, with both spiritual and personal components, encompassing self-love, restoration, and preservation, love for community and the earth, and love for family and friends. When we think of love, we think of connection. We on the board are eager for connection with you and our broader community and have made connection a key goal for this year.
IFFP as a Collaborative Project
IFFP is not only a project, but also a cooperative; we thrive working together building this community that sustains us, teaches our children, celebrates our successes and milestones, and mourns with us when we experience a loss. Our co-op approach depends upon your financial generosity, and the spirit of volunteerism you bring to our community. The gift of your time, teaching in the classroom, setting up for gathering and greeting members, engaging in Tikkun Olum groups, and the jewel in IFFP’s crown, participating on one of many Board committees. The Board has welcomed several new members; we invite you to meet them and read their bios on the IFFP website.
We look forward to being in community with you and your families this year, and hope to see you virtually or in-person at our first Gathering on Sunday, September 11th at 10:00am EST.
Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Loukissas
Vice Chair, IFFP Board of Directors
(Doug Lynott, husband; Michael COA grad and intern for COA Prep; David 5th grade)