Fresh Beginnings: IFFP Board Kicks Off 2024-2025 with Exciting Updates

New Year, New Update from the IFFP Board of Directors

Greetings, Interfaith Families! 

We are delighted to write to you as co-chairs of the Board for 2024-2025 and to share some highlights from the start of our year and opportunities ahead. In this time of many changes we appreciate your patience and enthusiasm. 

Move to Saint Mark Presbyterian Church

We are excited to have found our home at Saint Mark Presbyterian Church in North Bethesda, MD. It took a lot of work and countless hours of staff and volunteer time, for which we are extremely grateful. In particular, the building search committee, led by Seth Gitter; the crews who helped with the move.  

New Staff

We are so fortunate to have Nick Cameron as the new IFFP Musical Director, leading us in song at Gatherings and in Sunday School. As we welcome Nick, we said goodbye with much gratitude to Marci Shegogue for her many years of service leading music for our community.  

We welcome IFFP Member and Sunday School parent Trish Manha as our Transitional Community Education Director. We are excited to see Trish implementing new ideas, including pre-teaching songs and topics in advance of each Gathering!

Planning for the Year Ahead

  • The Staff worked hard over the summer to plan for the 2024-2025 IFFP year. The calendar is posted to the IFFP website and in Realm. If you join us via Zoom, you can register in advance for Gatherings. Click on the website and ‘add to calendar’ to link with your digital calendar of choice.
  • Our High Holy Day services are coming up on Oct. 2 and 3 and Oct 11, and 12. Please remember to sign up in advance and consider making a donation. We are also looking for volunteers and you can sign-up in Realm. Refer to the Thursday Bulletin for more details. 
  • If you’d like to host a potluck, Shabbat dinners, or other get-togethers, please contact our membership committee via Jill Dash ( Jill and others can help you connect with IFFP members in your neighborhood.
  • We value your feedback! On October 6th, IFFP member David Beinhacker will  present the results from the 2023-2024 Member Survey during Continuing Education. We hope you can attend to hear the results, ask questions, and share any additional feedback.

We are very excited for our 30th year and look forward to all of the pearls we are going to discover together! 

Felise & Jennifer

Felise Shellenberger 

Co-chair, IFFP Board of Directors

Jennifer Loukissas

Co-chair, IFFP Board of Directors



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