To our dear IFFP community:
We are writing to joyfully share this year’s theme……What is Love?
We live in an increasingly polarized time, where it can be difficult to be in real relationship with one another. As we have seen, the deep divisions in our world can yield devastating consequences. It seems that now, more than ever, there is an urgent invitation before us to embody the Golden Rule and learn to better “love our neighbors as ourselves.”
But…what is love?
What does love require of us?
How does love challenge us?
Where can love take us?
We believe that an interfaith community like ours is in a unique position to help bridge divides, welcome in “the other,” and model transformational love. With this mind, we look forward to diving into the theme, What is Love? during hybrid gatherings, Sunday School lessons, committee and Tikkun Olam group meetings – even during informal conversations and carpool rides.
Leaning on the lessons of our rich traditions and diverse ancestors, we are excited to explore where love can take us – and how we might take that love outward, in order to help shape the world for the better.
Let the good, hard work begin together. We will see each of you soon.
With happy anticipation,