Marking Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday on the Christian Calendar. This marks the first day of the Lenten Season (which is the 40 days leading up to Holy Week and Easter).

Some observe this day by attending worship services and/or having ashes imposed (or put) on their foreheads.

When clergy or lay leaders administer the ashes, they might say something like, “Remember from dust you came, and to dust you shall return,” which can help remind us of our mortality and our shared duty to care for others and the world.

In a time of such turmoil and uncertainty, we are each invited to participate in this Ash Wednesday and Lenten Season by asking ourselves, “What do I need to give up or take on in order to better embody the beliefs I hold dear? What can I do in my life to help impact my neighbors and the world for the better?”

Today, may we feel gratitude for the gift of life. May we each feel moved to cling tight to our Kindness Prayer, remembering to “do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.”

-Rev. Sam



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