• Simple and Bold

    Simple and Bold

  • The Last Night of Hanukah Before Christmas at IFFP

    The Last Night of Hanukah Before Christmas at IFFP

    A holiday poem “Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house”, The Menorah’s still dripping and the dreidels are out. The stockings are draped near the candles with care, The smell of fried latkes in our clothes, in our hair. All in our PJs, some feeties in felt, Sucking on candy canes, eating our…

  • “How Lucky We Are!” The Joys of Creating Your Own Interfaith Community

    “How Lucky We Are!” The Joys of Creating Your Own Interfaith Community

    Discover the incredible joys of building your own interfaith community in this insightful blog post. Explore the transformative power of embracing diverse faith traditions, fostering deep connections, and creating a welcoming space for dialogue and understanding. Learn how to navigate challenges, celebrate shared values, and experience the profound fulfillment of forging meaningful connections across religious…

  • The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

    The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

    The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) “Then Peter approaching asked Jesus, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times. That is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened to a…

  • Including Children in Your Interfaith Group

    Including Children in Your Interfaith Group

    This piece originally appeared in Dovetail September 1997. It seems not so long ago, right? You were seriously dating, and often asking: What will we do about the children? Now that child holds tightly onto your hand and the question takes a different spin: What are we going do to with the children? I draw your attention…

  • Honor Thy Father and Mother-In-Law

    Honor Thy Father and Mother-In-Law

    June 2005 When we are born we are blessed by a mother and a father and all other family members they bring to us. They raise us from childhood until the time comes to strike out on our own. After we marry, we become part of our spouse’s family. I was blessed with a most…

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    Rev. Julia always says how we have each other to hold us in this IFFP community, so I’m trusting in that support today and want to return the love with some thoughts that I hope will resonate with you.  I have to have a reason to write. Otherwise, nothing comes. Others seem to be able…

  • IFFP Commits to a GreenFaith Path

    IFFP Commits to a GreenFaith Path

    “We have reached an unprecedented, critical time in the existence of the earth due to climate change; toxins in our food, drinking water, and environment; plastic waste in our oceans that disrupts ecosystems and kills marine life; and significant loss of forests, among other matters.  Never before has our world experienced such violent superstorms, rising…

  • A Lesson from my Mother

    A Lesson from my Mother

    Elsa Milera Castillo (center) I remember hearing my mom say the Serenity Prayer many times as a kid. “God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  Those are the first four lines to the Serenity Prayer. It…

  • Interfaith Wedding and Marriage: Reflections from Veronica

    Interfaith Wedding and Marriage: Reflections from Veronica

    Veronica and Nick completed the IFFP Couples’ Workshop. We were introduced by a mutual friend in December 2014. Our friend was amazed we had not met before, because we were both attending the same events in the urban planning industry, members of the same DC United Fan Club, and were both really into Ultimate Fighting…

  • The Power of Community

    The Power of Community

    I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. In fact, my husband Dan will tell you, I actively resist making them.  Have you made some New Year’s resolutions this past January?  How’re they working out? Have you stuck to your resolutions thus far? Have you already given up on some of them? At…

  • Talking to Interfaith Kids about Jesus

    Talking to Interfaith Kids about Jesus

    When it comes to Jewish-Christian relations, Jesus tends to be the main stumbling block. This is true in a marriage between a Jew and a Christian as well. Like many Jews, I had, and still have to some degree, uncomfortable feelings when it comes to Jesus. However, over time, I have found ways to make…

  • Not My Plan: Parenting the Unexpected

    Not My Plan: Parenting the Unexpected

    The most profound lesson I’ve learned from having children is that being a parent entails giving up expectations I didn’t know I had. We want the best for our children, but it’s as we—not they—define “the best.” When Dan Griffin and I were asked to lead a recent adult group discussion on “Parenting the Unexpected,”…


advent Being Both catholic Chanukah christian Christmas clergy community couples Easter environment epiphany esther families family god Hanukah Hanukkah hebrew holidays holocaust holy week hope IFFP inclusion interfaith interfaith families interfaith family jesus jewish justice lent love Moses Passover prayer rabbi Rabbi Debbie Rabbi Debbie Reichmann racial justice Rev. Samantha Gonzalez-Block reverend Reverend Sam seder sunday school Susan Katz Miller tikkun olam torah virtual wedding